Welcome students And student's families!!

Welcome students And student's families!! This blog will contain information about my classes in ELA, Social Studies, Academic Support, and deVaca 6th Grade Living Group. Enjoy your experience here and remember to "be the change you wish to see in the world." - Mahatma Gandhi

Contact me by email - ebattey@archimedesacademy.org

Leave reading assignments on voicemail - (347) 450-2379

May 23, 2011

Apr 27, 2011

484 Social Studies Homework Week of 4/27/11

Choose a current event article from a newspaper, or internet news source and write a summary paragraph of at least five sentences. Be sure to provide the article with the assignment.

Due Friday April 29th

Apr 18, 2011

484 ELA Spring Break April 18th - 26th

Please complete 4 passages and their questions in Practice Test 1, Book 1, pages 8 - 31 in the NYS Coach Practice Tests booklets that you were given on Thursday. You may answer the questions directly into the booklet. Also answer questions 50 - 53 in Book 2, Part 2: Writing Mechanics. Both of these assignments are due on Thursday April 28th.

Mar 28, 2011

384 ELA H.W. Week of 3/28

Complete two readings of your choice on my Google Voice account (347) 450-2379
Due Thursday 3/31/11

Social Studies H.W. Week of March 28th

Write a paragraph describing "The Cold War." Include at least three facts.
Due Thursday 3/31/11

Mar 6, 2011

deVaca 6th Grade Boys - Community Service Project

On Friday, March 4th our living group presented our community service project at the school assembly. Adrian Lopez, our representative on the project, addressed the entire school and briefly explained our objectives. Basically, we are collecting basic health, hygiene, and school supplies to be delivered directly to the people of Cuba through an organization called Fundacion Amistad. Due to Department of Education regulations, we will not be able to collect controlled substances such as asprin, advil, or children's vitamins. However, we will be asking parents, students and teachers to donate bandages, alcohol pads, surgical gloves, toothbrushes, inexpensive sunglasses, dental floss, pens, pencils, and notebooks. All items must be sealed in original packaging. We plan on developing the list of things to donate at a later date. If you have any questions please contact me by email ebattey@archimedesacademy.org For more information please visit fundacionamistad.org

384 ELA H.W. Week of 3/7/11

Students will write a half page low-stakes piece on the topic "How figurative language affects me." Be creative and cite examples of types of figurative language, for example similes, metaphors, and personification.
Due Wednesday 3/9/11

384 Social Studies H.W. Week of 3/7/11

Students will create a current event summary on an article about the protests and conflict in Libya. Students may cut out an article from a newspaper or print an article from an internet news source. Students will then write a summary of the article on a sheet of paper attached to the article.
Due Thursday 3/10/11

Feb 9, 2011

ELA 384 Low Stakes Writing

Please submit a half page 'low stakes' writing assignment. This can be a piece on any class appropriate topic you choose to write about.

384 S.S. Current Events

A Current Event summary is due on Friday February 11th.

Jan 20, 2011

284 Social Studies Quarter 2 Projects

Using a full size white poster board, you will present your historical person and compare him/her to another historical person of the same theme. Basically, if your person is a sports figure, you would choose another sports figure to compare. EX: Jackie Robinson and
Babe Ruth. Your poster should include the following:
· State the common theme between the two people
EX: Jackie Robinson and Babe Ruth both changed the way baseball was played
· 5 main facts for your chosen person
· 5 main facts for the comparative person
· Statement why your person was the best (THEME)
EX: Jackie Robinson was the most influential baseball player because he changed the way people viewed minorities
· 1 main bio picture, 4 supporting pictures representing your chosen person
· 1 main picture, 4 supporting pictures representing the comparative person
· Using colors, pictures, font size, font size, layout, and overall design, show that your chosen person best represents the theme.

Due Date

Jan 13, 2011

deVaca 6th Grade Boys

Reminder - No students may participate in afterschool programs if they have not handed in an immunization form.